House System

In 2020 Fremantle Christian College introduced a Whole College House System. This system has been developed to build upon and promote a positive and inclusive culture through four core values; Character, Courage, Compassion and Community.

The four people that each house has been named after, have lived lives that emulate and personify these core values. These four people were also recognised for being unwavering, faithful and steadfast to the call of God upon their life, as well as being iconic Australian men and woman within Christian culture.

Along with its core value, each House will also partner with the charity Compassion Australia. Each House will hold fundraisers and events throughout the year to raise money for Compassion.

The Houses will compete against each other at inter-house events, such as the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, various sports, cross country, maths, music, writing and art competitions and much more! Students can also earn additional House points throughout the year. These can be attributed for; college representation at interschool sport or extra-curricular activities, demonstrating the school’s values in or out of class and participation at House events.

There will also be an opportunity for leadership as House Captains will be selected in both the Primary and Secondary. House Captains will lead their members at inter-house competitions and plan House Days. House Days will be held every term to foster House spirit and school connectedness through non-sport activities. At the end of year Celebration Assembly, all house House points will be tallied and the winning House will receive the Calvary Cup!


House Value: Character
Born in 1880, at Moliagul in Victoria, Australia, John Flynn got his faith from his father, a lay pastor in the Methodist church and a school teacher. His mother had died when he was three. A year after her death, John’s father transferred to a school near Melbourne. Australia’s Outback intrigued him. Looking across it he saw the same things anyone else saw. He saw dust and deadly isolation. He saw regrettable deaths that could have been prevented or would have been if there had been medical care. Tragedies highlighted the need for essential services in Australia’s Outback. John was quick to see the potential of the airplane. If doctors could fly to patients, they would provide a mantle of safety to outback homesteads. He appealed for planes and the establishment of seven flying doctors at strategic locations. He had an uphill fight. But his strong character, persistence and prayer won. Spearheaded by Flynn, the world’s first civilian flying doctor service was born and Doctor K. St. Vincent Welch answered its first call, for a minor emergency, on May 17th, 1928. But soon hundreds were helped through the vision of the man who considered no project too big for Christ.

Mona Olsson


House Value: Courage
Mona Olsson is originally from a small Indigenous community called Mimili in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the northwest corner of South Australia. Mona is from the Stolen Generation; having spent time at the Colebrook Home in Quorn, managed by the United Aborigines’ Mission (UAM). Mona was 5 years old and playing with her sister and cousins by a desert stream when a truck pulled up. Police officers got out and started to round up the children. They were thrown into a truck and taken to a mission house. Although her mother managed to board the vehicle, she was not allowed inside the house. Mona said she didn’t see her mother again for 32 years. Mona became a Christian during her first year with the missionaries. One evening, she said God comforted her and explained the Scriptures she had been reciting without understanding. “I found Jesus when I was young. I think that was the most important decision I ever made in my life. I learnt how to forgive because He very clearly showed us that on the Cross, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ I never stopped loving Him.” Later in life, Mona studied and practised nursing and midwifery. Mona continues to share the gospel and her courageous testimony at any chance!


House Value: Compassion
Catherine Hamlin was born in Sydney in 1924. It was in Sydney where she completed her medical training at the University of Sydney in 1946. After further trainings at St Joseph’s Hospital in Auburn, she became a specialised obstetrician and gynaecologist. In 1950, she met her husband, Dr Reginald Hamlin, as they were both working at Crown Street Women’s Hospital. In 1958 the Hamlins answered an advertisement placed by the Ethiopian government in The Lancet medical journal for an obstetrician and gynaecologist to establish a midwifery school in Addis Ababa. They arrived in 1959 with their six-year-old son, Richard. The Hamlins had never seen an obstetric fistula before as they were an “academic rarity”. Seeing many cases arrive at the school, they decided to create a dedicated hospital. Fifteen years later, in 1974, they founded Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital and over the years, the hospital has treated more than 45,000 patients. Hamlin still lives in her cottage on the grounds of the Hospital. Thanks to the grace of God and Catherine Hamlin, Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital remains the world’s only medical centre dedicated exclusively to providing free obstetric fistula repair surgery to poor women suffering from childbirth injuries.

Hamlin House


House Value: Community
Dr Godfrey Noel Vose was born in Western Australia in December 1921, Noel grew up in the Great Depression, in a humble family that moved regularly in order for his father to look for work. By the time he was fifteen, he had attended eighteen different schools. Due to his dislike for education, he left school at fifteen and joined the public service. In 1943-1945 he served in the Air Force. It was in his Air Force years that Noel felt called to the ministry of the word and his love for education grew. He applied to study at the Baptist College in New South Wales. After completing his studies, he went on to further study in Chicago and Iowa. Noel returned to Perth and was ordained in 1951 and pastored small churches in Fremantle and Dalkeith. Though at heart a pastor and an evangelist, he was moved by the need for training amongst Baptist pastors and in 1963 he began The Baptist College as its principal and sole faculty member. As Vose’s community built in Perth, he also took on the mantle of president of the Baptist Union of Australia. Later then becoming the president of the Baptist World Assembly in 1980. In 2008, The Baptist College officially changed its name to Vose Seminary to honour the man that started it. Because of Noel’s obedience to God, he has created a community that has seen generations of Australian’s better understand the bible, in turn training outstanding pastoral leaders for the church, the marketplace and the mission field.

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Our Mission


A confident expectation that God exists and is trustworthy. The evidence of faith in God is peace of mind, inner strength and persevering hope for the future.


The distinctive moral attributes of a person that determine their choices regardless of the circumstances. Christian character is the consistent manifestation of the character of Jesus Christ when no one is watching.


Courage is the commitment to do what is right and continue in that commitment in the face of opposition.

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