Our Faith

Our Vision

Excellent Education as Preparation for Life.

Empowering students to achieve their academic potential.

Preparing students to positively influence society in the midst of great challenges

Preparing students by laying a foundation of skills, behaviour and attitude.

Helping students to become who God created them to be.

Raising a Daniel Generation

Fremantle Christian College (FCC) has a vision to raise a ‘Daniel Generation’ in the context of excellent education.  We emphasise the importance of a generation that knows God and consequently impacts the culture they live in towards what is godly and righteous. In partnership with parents, we are committed to teaching students how to live courageous and resilient lives.

This vision originates in the biblical book of Daniel. It tells the story of Daniel and three of his friends who were deported from Israel to Babylon (Iran) as teenagers and forced to serve a ruthless king. As a dispossessed teenager in a hostile culture, Daniel became an exceptional leader, shaped and refined through tremendous pressure and many difficulties. He lived a disciplined and dedicated life of obedience to God, even when his life was threatened. He was known for his wisdom, knowledge, discernment, courage, and faith.

Daniel 1:17

“To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”

Faith in the Classroom

It is the policy of the College to employ staff who demonstrate an active Christian faith. This ensures that students, no matter what class they find themselves in, are able to discuss issues of faith regularly as they arise.

The College’s Deputy of Christian Culture oversees the integration of the biblical worldview into all subject areas and works together with teachers to ensure a strong, Christ-centred education is delivered in all classrooms.

Students at Fremantle Christian College have many opportunities to be explicitly taught biblical concepts through:

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Weekly Christian Education lessons (45 minutes per week)

Devotional sessions during morning classroom time (Primary) and Pastoral Care Groups (Secondary)

Fortnightly Chapel Services

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Year Level Camps - these are scattered throughout the year and are embedded with Christian beliefs and values.


Optional Lunchtime Bible-study or prayer-group opportunities led by students or New Life Church youth workers.

FCC’s Christian Education Program is robust and covers five main strands: Biblical Studies, Big Ideas (Systematic Theology), Knowing Jesus, Daniel Generation and Biblical Festivals. Emphasis is placed on telling the entire biblical narrative from beginning to end. Open-ended tasks allow for all students to engage with Christian content at their level, regardless of their background or prior experiences with Christianity.

Statement of Belief

Fremantle Christian College has an open enrolment policy and welcomes families from different faiths. Being a Christian is not a requirement for enrolment however all parents and students must be willing to support the Christian ethos of the College.

Below is a summary of what we believe:

The Bible is the word of God and is the trustworthy authority concerning God’s character and purposes.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Lord of all; he came to the earth as fully God and fully man, he lived a life of perfect submission to God the Father, he died and was physically resurrected, and will return to the earth again.

In accepting the sacrifice of Jesus’ death, our sins are forgiven and we can enjoy a restored relationship with God and experience eternal life.

A life lived through Christ is the only way that people can truly thrive according to their design and purpose as the beloved creation of God.

Fremantle Christian College History

What parents are saying...

Our Mission


A confident expectation that God exists and is trustworthy. The evidence of faith in God is peace of mind, inner strength and persevering hope for the future.


The distinctive moral attributes of a person that determine their choices regardless of the circumstances. Christian character is the consistent manifestation of the character of Jesus Christ when no one is watching.


Courage is the commitment to do what is right and continue in that commitment in the face of opposition.

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